Friday, February 25, 2011

Energy Conservation Tips

Too often we neglect the little things around us that can help reduce energy consumption in schools, homes or just in our day-to-day activities. This link shows some of the ways we can play our part in becoming a more energy conservative pupil.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Soak the rich, fool the poor

Are they really interested in helping the poor? Well they do very little to change the circumstances of poverty. Lets face it they make all their money from the pockets of the poor.....soak the rich and fool the poor....after all Jamaica runs on the Cheap Politics of  Poverty.
Get educated about the politics of poverty.....

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Energy Conservation

Too often we have neglected our use of energy in our homes, here are some simple tips on how to become more energy efficient pupils.

Did You Know That?

1. The colour in your house can reduce the energy bill at home?

2. Insulating your water heater at home can reduce the energy bill?

3. Using energy efficient light bulbs (fluorescent) can reduce the energy bill?

*** for more energy conservation tips follow the link below...